Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Whimsy Rugs


Rug hooking source in Wright City Missouri.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Calico Moon in Lebanon IL

I just discovered the Calico Moon shop in Lebanon IL and these photos of wonderful hooked rugs:


I loved the adaptation of "Midnight Silhouette" from the original Blackbird Designs pattern.

Say it with me now, "Road trip!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Feed your mind

Interesting food for thought:16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School
Posted By Henrik Edberg On April 2, 2008 @http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2008/04/02/16-things-i-wish-they-had-taught-me-in-school/print/

Hi Mom!

I'm waving at my mother who is going to check out my blog today, I hope. Mom, send me a digital image of those 27 quarts of green beans you've canned and I'll post it for all of the blogospher to see how busy you've bean.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Edwina Prinster

Newspaper interview with central Missourian Edwina Prinster, Auxvasse, MO. - one of the artists featured in Best of Missouri Hands.

Read the Label

April DeCornick of Red Jack rugs has what looks to be a terrific method for creating rug labels. See: http://redjackrugs.blogspot.com/search/label/Labels

April originated the Ten Minute Rug Hooking Challenge.



I've named the deer in my backyard park "Hansel" and "Gretel". Having spiked the hibiscus, hostas and hydrangeas, I think I hear them nibbling on my house. The Times has an excellent "topic" resource page on all things near and deer.

Maya Lin's Storm King Wavefield


I love this image and Maya Lin's work. I want to visit Storm King.

Stage House Studio Tips and Techniques

Sage House Studio: Instructions for tearing one yard of wool into swatches for value dyeing

While leafing through the blogs...

I'm in midst of hooking the border leaves for the Tulip Cross rug so I'm all about leaves right now and have been wanting to have some pictures on hand from other hookers. Serendipity strikes: the Merry Hooker posted images of beautiful leaves she's hooked for a tote. Check out her lovely images at http://themerryhookerwoolens.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default.

Shell Paintings


The Ten Best Lady Detectives


From the London Times Online.

"Vote for the Best Novel Since 1949"


From the London Times Online.


My first attempt at stewing wool resulted in an unexpected very soft overall brown with an underlying lavender plaid. The shade of brown would look great in a Maria Barton (Star Rug Co.) pattern. This was the plaid fabric (green, red on light beige background) I'd used to start the swags in the Tulip Cross rug. As this wasn't the fabric I'd originally color planned with Emma Lou Lais at camp '08, I didn't have enough of it. I'd bought several more pieces of it but they were all just slightly lighter than my original piece. As I had bought the wool from Rhonda, I'd hoped she had some more. But when I arrived at camp this summer, all that she had on hand were the lighter color. She said the piece I bought originally had been stewed...at least I thought that's what she said. So, I made this my first stewing project. What came out of the pot will be nice to use, but it's not even remotely close to the plaid piece I'd started with so I'm not sure what happened. I'll have to show it to Rhonda to figure out how I got here. In the meantime, I'm ready to color plan the swags yet again!